HerbDiet Pro 2.0  |
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HerbDiet is based on the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, collects essential herbal diets that hand down since ancient time, combines with research achievements of modern nutriology and dietetic therapeutics. HerbDiet is divided into two parts: Herbal Diet Therapy for commonly seen diseases - introduction of 63 diseases including internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and five sense organs with self-diagnosis, prescription of prevention and treatment, offering immediate and detailed inquiry for foods and herbs in the prescription. Foods and Herbs - detailed introduction of property, taste, functions, indications and precautions of 248 foods and herbs with 474 fine pictures. HerbDiet Pro 2.0 is run in Microsoft Windows 9X/2000/NT/XP/VISTA. |
Chinese Diet Therapy plays important role to display effects of different foods for treatment and prevention of diseases, promotion of body health and recovery, prolonging the life based on the theories of same source of foods and herbs, same principle of treatment and prevention. Diet therapy has following characteristics: 1. emphasizing whole entity and applying according to differentiation. We should make differentiation according to entire analysis of patient’s body constitution, healthy status, property of disease, climate and season, then get treatment principles and have suitable prescription before application of diet therapy. 2. obtaining good effect with combination of treatment with prevention. Herbal diet therapy can not only treat diseases but also strengthen body and prevent diseases, this is different point with medical treatment. Herbal diet therapy mostly selects herbs with even property that have also obvious effects to treat and prevent diseases, promote body health. 3. delicious and easy to take. Diet therapy often combines herbs with foods that have good color, smell and taste; although there are herbs, selection of herbs according to their properties and tastes combined with different foods and refined cooking can make delicious herbal diet. |
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